How grateful can you be?

This post is inspired by something I remember my Dad saying when he was in hospital having treatment for bowel cancer.  He had just had major abdominal surgery, and was recovering in his quiet, graceful way.  He said something to me like "imagine how many people were involved in helping me get better today", and proceeded to list all the people that he could think of who were in some way involved in his stay in the hospital.  And not just the obvious ones like the Doctors, nurses and surgeons, he went deep and thought hard.  He included people like the people who transport the sheets to and from the laundry, the chef in the kitchen who prepared his food, the engineer who designed the machines that were used in the operating theatre, the scientist who discovered the combination of drugs for treatment, and many many others.

Today, as I sat peacefully in the sunshine enjoying a cup of tea on a break at work, I got to thinking about all the people I could be (and am) grateful for for helping give me this wonderful moment.  Obviously, the lovely lady in the cafe near my work who is always so friendly and knows how to make my tea just the way I like it.  But who else?  I sat for a good twenty minutes enjoying that tea, and here are just some of the people/things I came up with that had a hand in making it such an enjoyable experience:

On and on I went. I stopped when my phone beeped at me to go and teach my next session, but I could have stayed all day.  It was such a beautiful experience.  I wonder how much more joyful and satisfying life would be if we all practiced this approach more often.  It made me really be in the moment, and also I felt a strong connection to something bigger than me.  A part of the bigger picture, connected in some small way to people from all different walks of life, all because of this little cup of tea.  

Why not give it a go?  Pick any situation and apply my Dad's suggestion.  I bet it lifts your spirits the same way it did mine today. 

Until next time, 
E xx

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